The Amazons were a tribe of women warriors and hunters.
In this work, there is a cross generation and timeless connection between the ancient Amazons, embodied in the work as an archetype, and women who have made decisions in relation to their bodies in order to survive.
There are many different hypotheses in relation to the location and geographic origin of the Amazon and their name. The prevailing interpretation among researchers is that the meaning of the name “Amazona” is "breastless" - and is taken from the Greek phrase A-MAZOS which means "without breast".
Current research assumes that the Amazons would conduct mastectomies themselves and for themselves. This decision and action regarding their bodies was made in order for them to be able to carry weapons, bows and arrows especially- without the interference of the breast - In order to protect themselves, hunt and set themselves apart from other tribes.
There are no representations of Amazons with amputated breasts in the art that survived from that period in time. Often, they are presented with their bodies covered and one breast exposed. The Greeks referred to the Amazons in their writings, not once, and have expressed wonder and disgust in relation to the unprecedented gender role reversal.
The body Work A-MAZONA contains a representation of these Amazons, If they were sculpted and represented as they were. The study included a thorough search for a specific facial structure and physical history.
Out of this research, a specific emphasis was put on autoimmune behavior of the body. The women who appear in this project underwent full or partial mastectomy. they all had cancer, in part because of the characteristics of female DNA. In addition, They all made an autonomous decision, even if due to circumstances- regarding their bodies, which created a metamorphosis. From within the connection, a synthesis is created- originated in the body. The women photographed in the project have become a sculptural- photographic hyper-realistic variation - and create an assumed tribe.
The world in which the amazons in this project live in draws from the clinical, iconic and archival. Like a mixture between a museums warehouse that holds all that is not shown or displayed, a waiting room in a clinic, and a Pantheon, or a temple with one icon in it. Their weapons are coated with an industrial archival material called FLOCK that is usually used as display material for museum objects.
Flock weapons were costume made for A-MAZONA by artist and goldsmith Anat Golan.